If the group has its way, the George W. Bush Sewer Plant will make its debut in January when Dubya officially leaves office, and some supporters say the occasion should be marked by a city-wide ""synchronized flush"
San Franciscan Brian McConnell and a friend cooked up the plan this spring while downing beers at a local bar. "We thought of the Iraq War, New Orleans being left to hang out on a vine, and everything else," McConnell tells us. "And when tried to come up with a fitting tribute, this idea popped out."
More here: San Franciscans prep monument to US prez
Hat tip to Wagga who sent the link with the following subject line: This turd gets flushed in 6 months!
I read about that in the local fishwrap. This being San Francisco, it stands an excellent chance of passing. As the supporterz pointed out the action will be nearly free, requiring only a small up-front expense to replace signs and the like.
Oh, and murst!
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